Now that it's been nearly 2 years since I last blogged... I thought I'd at least give it a go on our family site, especially now that our family will soon be expanding!!!
Issac is getting excited about meeting his baby brother! Expected 10/24/10
We were able to surprise most of our family at Issac's third birthday, as everyone applauded my mother said "Are you Pregnant?!?!"....
Issac's last birthday present was the shirt he's wearing |
Through most of the pregnancy we have not had many issues until about 27 weeks, when I was dilated 1 cm... This lead to the beginning of restrictions, take it easy, no lifting, stairs, walking and found a new one no singing. Now we are at 32 weeks and since a week after the restrictions began I am no longer dilated!!! Prayer, resting and relaxing have all played a huge part in that!
We're starting to realize that he could be arriving at anytime now!!! Just last night we discussed that this was about the time when I was prego with Issac that I went into labor!!! We have gotten most everything ready for his arrival. Thanks to great friends we have a bed, dresser and changing table!! (I'm sure Craig's disappointed that I wont be sending him to IKEA to get furniture now!!) I was able to get a great deal on a new stroller/car seat combo, now we just need to get the seat into the car! I have my toiletry bag packed, still haven't got my hospital bag ready, that will be a project for this coming weekend! I have a few things set out to take for the baby... now the biggest question is what are we going to do with Issac???
This is a difficult one for us, since he will not be allowed at the hospital. He has spent the night with his grandparents a few times over the last year, but never DAYS away from mom.... I don't know who it will be harder on him or me and I guess dad's going to be busy running between us :(